Buy Real YouTube Ads Views
100% Real
100% Interested people
100% Compliant with YouTube Terms
Simply enter your video’s link!

We are not fans of fake or bad quality views.
This is why the only YouTube views service we offer is the one we consider - by far - the best for your channel
YouTube Ads Views are views that come by promoting your video using a service by Google itself, Google Ads. This makes the promotion 100% compliant with YouTube Terms, which generally doesn’t allow buying views to increase views counter.
But it’s not just about staying clean.
YouTube Ads Views deliver highest quality traffic you could buy. It drives real engagement (such as likes, comments, subscribers) and targets viewers better than any other method. (find out later why and how)

The only 100% safe YouTube views, as promoted using Google itself.

Easily the best solution for channel's growth and video engagement.

Here, 3 reasons why YouTube Ads Views are simply the best for channel growth & performance!
- All viewers are already on YouTube, which leads to higher retention, as compared to users who come from external traffic.
- Video is shown to specific and interested people, not to everyone. This also leads to better video performance, such as retention and engagement. Targeting depends on campaign set-up and YouTube algorithm.
- Users decide to click on the video and watch it. In the YouTube Ads campaigns we setup, it's the user who decides to watch the video by clicking on it, if he finds the title and thumbnail of his interest. (No redirect traffic or automatically played video).
Buy YouTube Ads Views
Simply enter your video link, your audience language and keywords, so we can target native people.
- Real people
- Interested people
- Language targeted
- Keyword targeted
- Video might receive engagement (subs, likes, comments)
- Fully managed by us (set-up, targeting & optimization)
Min. quantity: 2k
Max. quantity: 40k (extendable)
Price per 1k: 15$

We simply need the link & your audience target..
Then we do the rest and make your channel grow
Campaign set-up, campaign targeting and most importantly campaign management with daily performance check to see which settings deliver the best results.
Fill the form with a link to your video and the desired language target.
We set-up YouTube Ads campaigns for your videos with language and niche targeting. We also set different ads groups at the same time to see which one works best.
Optimizing campaigns is in our interest and even more in yours, to drive best engagement, watch time and CTR. This is why each 24 hours our trained agents look at the campaigns data and how the different AD Groups perform.
As a consequence of step 3, we will then optimize your campaigns and keep the best performing Ad Groups. Once the campaign is over, we will let you know and send a report!
*Note: campaign optimization works best for higher budget campaigns, as we have more time to do it. Shorter campaigns (i.e. 2k views) will finish quite shortly and give us less time and data to optimize.